Seeking spousal support after your divorce

On Behalf of | May 12, 2020 | Divorce |

If you are planning to end your marriage, you may have some concerns about your future finances. After all, you may have to adjust to living on a single income. Fortunately, if you are not able to make ends meet following your divorce, you may be eligible for spousal support. 

In the Sunshine State, divorcing spouses receive an equitable share of the marital estate. In addition to receiving your fair share of marital wealth, you may also be able to seek spousal support. Sometimes called alimony or maintenance, spousal support is money one ex-spouse pays to the other. 

Types of spousal support 

You may think of spousal support as an ongoing payment. That may not be the case, though. On the contrary, state law contemplates a few different types of spousal support. These include the following: 

  • Temporary support, where you receive support only until divorce proceedings conclude 
  • Bridge-the-gap support, where you receive enough support to start your new life after your divorce 
  • Rehabilitative support, where you receive support to help you pay for educational expenses or vocational training 
  • Durational support, where you receive support for a short time, usually equal to the length of your marriage 
  • Permanent support, where you receive ongoing support 

Factors in awarding spousal support 

Judges do not award spousal support in every case. Rather, spousal support should level the playing field when one spouse has a better financial position than the other. To determine if an individual should receive spousal support, Florida judges carefully weigh a set of factors. Specifically, you can expect the judge in your case to consider the following: 

  • Your standard of living during the marriage 
  • The length of your marriage 
  • The contributions you made to the marriage 
  • Your age and income potential 
  • Your economic situation 

While it is normal to worry about finances after a divorce, you may not have to surrender your current standard of living. By understanding how spousal support works, you can better advocate for your post-divorce financial interests.